How I Made Asteroids - Part 0


I made Asteroids to learn more about how to build a game in Unity, and yes, I learned a lot. That is why I will divide this long post to several shorter ones. Each post will then talk about each milestone I determined before beginning the project.

Yes, I did think about how to tackle this game before I opened up Unity to begin coding and stuff. These were the steps I decided to make:

  1. Make the ship movement
  2. Make the projectiles
  3. Make an asteroids generator
  4. Make the asteroids interact with the ship
  5. Make the asteroids interact with the projectiles

And these are the things I did do:

  1. Make the ship movement
  2. Make the projectiles
  3. Make the asteroids interact with the projectiles
  4. Make an asteroids generator
  5. Make the asteroids interact with the ship
  6. Make a life display
  7. Make score displays
  8. Make Game Over and Start Screen
  9. Make Animations and Sounds according to the things that happen in-game

My Process in Short

The rough process can be seen in this video below.

What I Learned

I must admit that only now I really get the idea of "feature creep". I always wanted to polish and add to my game to make it even better, but then I decided I should stop and move on to another project. Well, if I were still working on Asteroids, I wouldn't write this devlog.

Code review from some lovely people in the community I'm in went well, there aren't many things to add, except removing "magic numbers" and "magic strings". And I did use FindObject, which isn't really recommended because it's slow. So yes, code-wise my code wasn't really a mess. Here is it if you guys want to see, I will update it now and then to improve it a little bit, but I doubt it will change drastically.

Here is the repository of the game.

What I realized even further is that doing art and animation is really tiring to me. I can code for about 5 hours straight, but if it comes to drawing... Give me at most 2 hours before I collapse. Even more tiring is applying the animations to Unity. It was hell...

So yea, I guess that's all for Part 0. Hope you stick around to the other parts!

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